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Club Year: Sep - Jun
Club Flower: Camellia
Club Bird: Robin
Club Tree: Calif. Redbud

Auburn Garden Club

Meetings | Other Gatherings | Meeting Programs | Field Trips


General Meetings

The club meets from September through May on the fourth Monday of each month, in the hall, at St. Luke Episcopal Church, 124 Orange St, Auburn CA, 95603. Meetings start at 9:00 AM sharp, with a social time from 10:00 to 10:30 AM, followed by a program. Currently scheduled programs are listed below.

Other Gatherings

Plant Propagation: Not scheduled at this time.


2023 -2024 Meeting Programs

September 23, 2024: Fruit Trees -- Planting and Pruning Presentation by Kathy Wiersch, UC Master Gardener

October 28, 2024: Why do we use sprays when we're not fixing the problem? Presentation by Julie Barber, UC Master Gardener

November 25, 2024: Gardens Abroad, by Rob Littlepage and Dave Faoro Along with AGC Grant Presentations

December 2, 2024: Holiday Party: Our annual holiday party will be held at 11:30am. at Awful Annies

January 27, 2025: Discussion of Local Soils by Brian Pimental from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

February 24, 2025: Growing Roses in our Landscape Presentation by Linda Knowles and Charlotte Owendyk

March 24, 2025: Orchids: Varieties and Care Tips Presentation by Dave Veach

April 28, 2025: Water Wise Gardens Presentation by Laura Halpenny from Roberta Walker's landscape company

May 19, 2025: Eco Gardening by Greg Gayton of Green Acres

June 9, 2025: Installation Luncheon: Annual Installation of Officers and end-of-year luncheon at Awful Annies' Restaurant at 11:30am.

Field Trips

The Club often schedules field trips throughout the year to various destinations in the area that are of interest to our members.

Our thanks to WizWire Communications
for hosting the AGC web site.


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Webmaster: Todd Alleckson

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